S Club's Sales
S Club 7 were one of the biggest
mixed pop groups around, selling millions of records world wide. Below, you can find out just how many records they sold
for each single in the UK!
(In Order Of Release)
626,000 copies sold Bring It
All Back - Released 7th June, 1999
290,000 copies sold S Club
Party - Released 20th September, 1999
306,000 copies sold Two In
A Million/Your My Number One - Released 13th December, 1999
464,000 copies sold Reach -
Released 22nd May, 2000
140,000 copies sold Natural
- Released 11th September, 2000
603,000 copies sold Never Had
A Dream Come True - Released 27th November, 2000
709,000 copies sold Don't Stop
Movin' - Released 23rd April, 2001
400,000 copies sold Have You
Ever - Released 19th November, 2001
150,000 copies sold You -
Released 11th February, 2002
80,000 copies sold Alive -
Released 11th November, 2002
120,000 copies sold Say Goodbye/Love
Ain't Gonna Wait For You - Released 26th May, 2003
(In Order Of Most Sold To Least)
709,000 Don't Stop Movin'
626,000 Bring It All
603,000 Never Had A
Dream Come True
464,000 Reach
400,000 Have You Ever
306,000 Two In A Million/Your
My Number One
290,000 S Club Party
150,000 You
140,000 Natural
120,000 Say Goodbye/Love
Ain't Gonna Wait For You
80,000 Alive