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The 7s are once again driving across the States when Rach has to stop off for the 77th time to ring her boyfriend, who's really missing her.

When the 7s try to find somewhere to stay for the night, there's no room at the inn, or any of the inns and so they set off to a nearby campsite (much to Rachel's disgust). When they arrive, they find the site is more of a dump than even Rachel feared. They go to make a fast exit but are persuaded to stay by a bunch of kids who are in the next trailer.

Rach rings her boyfriend for the 78th time and is told by him 'Either come home or it's over.' The other 7s can't cheer Rach up and so they raise money for her ticket back to England by doing a spot of busking. But when they wish Rach goodbye she tells them she isn't coming back... ever.

Is this the end of S Club 7? Will S Club 6 be anywhere near as good as S Club 7? Gulp!

S Club 7 sing: S Club Party, I Really Miss You, Two in a Million, Bring It All Back,You're My Number One & Reach