The band leave Miami and set off across America in their trusty red
Chevy. But just as the car's mileometer tips over 99999 miles, strange things start to happen. They notice people wearing
nerdy clothes, there's Fats Domino instead of Fat Boy Slim on the jukebox and eye-poppingly for Paul, burgers only cost 20c.
Then they realise they've travelled back in time to 1959!
But all is not well for the 7s, especially when they get up the nose
of the local sheriff who throws Jo, Rach, Paul and Brad in jail! Meanwhile Hannah, who's fallen big time for a waiter named
Chuck, realises that in her time Chuck would be 60 years old - yuk! Before the 7s can return to modern life, they play a gig
to save Chuck's diner and are then challenged by the local gang to a terrifying car duel.
Can Rachel pull off the drive of her life or will Jo have to go on
a date with the gang's v dense head honcho. Hold on tight!
S Club 7 sing: S Club Party, Friday Night, Viva La Fiesta &
You're My Number One